Up gradation of Livestock Projects

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Up gradation of Livestock Projects / Farms
 for Additional Revenue.
( Dr.A.Sajidas, Managing Director,
BIOTECH Renewable Energy Pvt.Ltd., Trivandrum.14, Kerala, India )

The role of livestock farms for the development of community is very important. The requirements of milk, egg and meat necessary for the healthy life of people in general are being produced from these livestock farms. Different types of livestock farms like dairy, poultry, piggery etc. we have to be promoted on a priority basis. Like any other Industry livestock farms are also facing different problems like atmospheric pollution, dispersal of excreta of animals and birds. Due to the urbanization and consequent increase in population the protests from the general public against existence of the livestock farms is also increasing day by day. By the introduction of green technology / Biomethanisation these problems can be tackled effectively to overcome such issues. In addition to the direct and indirect benefits this technology enables the farmers to run the farms in a more profitable way by converting waste materials discharge from farms into value added products.

Problems faced by dairy farms:
The excreta management problem in the dairy farms, Poultry, Piggery farms causes serious concerned to the farm owners especially in respect of larger farms. Due to the moisture content in the excreta, the process of drying and sale of excreta as organic fertilizer is found to be very expensive. Another problem is the handling of liquid waste including the urine discharged from dairy and pig farms. Purifying the waste water discharged from the livestock farms is also a big problem for farmers. Setting up of an efficient water treatment plant is an expensive remedy to overcome the contamination of waste water problems. Due to the accumulation of excreta and discharge of waste water, neighbors living around the farms create protest against the running of these livestock farms.

Application of Bio methanation Technology

To overcome solid and liquid waste dispersal problems in the livestock farms Biomethanation is a cost effective technology. This helps to generate more income through the hygienic treatment of solid and liquid waste materials discharged day by day. Biomethanation is multi benefits technology. Solid and liquid waste can be treated either separately or together with in a limited space. Biogas generated through the Biomenthanation process can be used as fuel for heating and for the generation of electricity and as auto fuel. The treated waste that comes out from the plant reaches in NPK content. It can be utilised as a soil conditioner. It improves the water retention capacity of the soil. The liquid discharge from the plant is also good quality manure and it can be sold as liquid fertilizer. This liquid fertilizer can be sprayed to the leaves of the plants directly or to the roots of any crops. Through the application of Biomethanation technology the farm and surroundings can be kept hygienically clean and free of odours. This will improve the acceptance tendency of neighbors against the livestock farms. Through the use of modern equipments the entire treated solid from the slurry discharged from the Biomethanation plant can be separated and it can be utilize as solid organic fertilizer.

Biomentanation Technology

Biomethanation is a universally accepted and proven technology for Bio energy generation from bio waste. It is very simple and user friendly. Through the adoption of biomethanation technology any degradable waste can be treated with the help of different types of anaerobic bacteria/ microbes in a concealed chamber/ digester. These microbes will be converting degradable materials into different types of acids and then to biogas – a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and some other gases in traces. Treated biomaterials, that are coming out from the digester in the form of liquid and semi liquid can be as a very good bio manure/organic fertilizer.

Advantages of this Technology

Fully and semi automatic biomethanation plants are available. Semi omatic designs are cost effective when compare with other designs. It is suitable for small, medium and large scale farms. Compared to other treatment methods the Biomethanation plants are low cost systems. The service and maintenance required is also very less. The operation expenses of Bio methanation plants are less than that of other technologies. The working life span of a properly constructed plant is more than 15 to 20 years. It is works on continues basis so that organic waste generated every day can be treated on the same day when it is generated.

Revenue Posibilities

Through the application of Biomenthanation technology the revenue from the livestock farms can be increased considerably. There are different revenue earning possibilities such as biogas and organic fertilizer.The biogas generated can be used for the generation of electricity. This will reduce the use of grid electricity and it will help to reduce the electricity bill. If the farm has its own diesel generator, it can be modified into biogas mode. The fuel requirement for making hot water, cooking or heating of feed materials can be reduced through the use of biogas as heating fuel. Treated materials can be sold either as solid and liquid fertilizer. This will provide additional income from the livestock farms.

Return on investment (ROI)

The ROI of a biomenthanation plant is less than 4 years. From a cattle farm having 10 cows, the biogas generated will be about 8 Cum every day. It is equalent to 4 KG of LPG or 12 Kwh of electricity. Organic solid fertilizer output is approximate  to 5% of feed materials. That is 10 Kg / day. The revenue from the liquid fertilizer is based on the utilization of it. If the farm has its own grass or vegetable cultivation the liquid fertilizer can be directly use. It will reduce the use of chemical fertilizer. The liquid fertilizer can be bottled and sold through fertilizer out lets. For bulk requirements it can be filled in tanker vehicle and sent to the utilization points. Another revenue possibilities is from carbon credit
Environmental benefits.

The farm and surroundings can be maintained quite tidy and clean. There is no chance for emission of any dangerous gasses from the manure pits of livestock farms. Through the treatment of organic waste water the chances contamination of soil and ground water can be reduced considerably. Apart from this the revenue in the form of Carbon Credit is a bonus revenue for the environmental protection. One cubic meter size of biogas plant is capable enough for generating 3.5 carbon credits every year. BIOTECH is purchasing carbon credits at the rate of Rs. 1000/- as onetime payment.

            As a conclusion, it is found that the application of Biomethanation technology in the livestock farms makes it more profitable, customer friendly, neighbor friendly, and also eco friendly. Due to clean surroundings this will also improve the health conditions of the animals and birds. Through the generation of Biogas each farm can become a part of the green energy generation projects…

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